Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: Heater problem, floor vents, ford ranger

I have a 2004 Ford Ranger and this summer I had a problem with my a/c unit only working ever now and then.  Now, with winter here, I find I have the same problem with the a/c - heater.  The fan blows, the switch to change from defrost, to floor vents, to face vents work, but that's it.  I took it to a mechanic when I had the a/c problem, it wasn't working when I drove it in, but when he started it up, it worked, he didn't do anything.  (I drove it about 40 miles in a 200 mile trip, and it quit.  It did start back up on the return trip, but didn't work all the time.) Now with winter approaching, I find that the heater is doing the same thing.  Any assistance would be appreciate,


HI Sandy

Not sure what your question is, but if you can tell me if the blower is working all the time or not it would help.  If blower works all the time do you loose it from the  panel to the defrost or what exactly is it not doing.  Try and be specific so I can help you.