Automotive Plastics: under engine plastic guards, vw jetta tdi, vw jetta

hello octavio, i have a 2000 vw jetta tdi-the three piece under the engine plastic splash guards is all busted up and sags. i dont know what the pros call these pieces and icant seem to find them online. can u help me? thanks

Dear Mike,I suppose you have tried getting those guards even in  junk yards and found nothing. So, the only way to solve the problem is by,having them repaired.Do not get discouraged if you consider that they are too damaged. I've saved many guards regarded by others as trash.Be patient and take'em off.wash with plenty of water and soap.for stubborn stains and grease use either gasoline or stoddart solvent(varsol).once they are clean look for the plastic code id. they can be either made of polyethylene (PE) or polypropylene (PP).fix warped edges with a heat gun to regain bolt holes by melting pieces of the same polymer and re-shape with a soldering iron welding new and old material,then drill.For cracks, realign edges and close'em with the smallest plastic cable ties.and reinforce with hot melt glue.There is away to get stronger joints but I want to know if you have made up your mind to repair. You can get polymer from a plastic bumper so marked, from similar guards and so on.I WILL GIVE YOU MORE DETAILS only at your request.thanks a lot-good luck.