Car Alarms: dam alarm

how do I get this dam thing off my truck ????? its a real pain in the ass !!!!!!

Ah I see, you'd rather slam the moderator then
do your bit to help us, help you out. Your

(I have been sued in the past for this
sort of information presented openly.
Not going to happen to me again especially by
someone who does not apreciate the assistance
given when offered.

Did you bother to do as I asked? No? Well, that's Ok
& unfortunately, it's also Boo hoo if you can't follow up to
get the answer you wanted and seemed to need.

The liability I would have by posting this openly
would outweigh your outrage and disbelief in not
getting a free answer.

Yes this is a volunteer site and
does not cost a thing to ask a question, but some
auto security questions simply have consequences
when answered openly.

Anyway, Merry Christmas &
Good luck with your issue.