Car Alarms: 2005 nissan sentra car alarm

How do I kill the alarm?  It goes off all night long, for no reason at all.  It is so sensitive that if the garbage truck goes down the street and stops anywhere withing 2 houses from me, it goes off.  Help!

Please try to locate the valet switch
to overide the alarm.

If you would read some of the previous
posts I made on this subject, you will
see the procedure to toggle into and out
of valet/override mode. It allows
you to set and reset the starter kill mechanism
as well as all other standard alarm features.

This should also apply to yours.
Then have a local car alarm shop turn down
or off your impact/shock sensor so this won't
keep happening. Repeat steps to go from
valet to user mode.

Good luck with it. Should do the trick.