Car Alarms: Rav 4 not disarming, oem factory, gif file

QUESTION: I needed the information to remove the existing alarm system
which will not disarm. The info seems to be for installing an alarm or am I not reading it right.

ANSWER: Use the same information to extract the after market wiring,
from the OEM/FACTORY wires and they're locations.

Same chart, dual purpose.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: There was a .gif file that was blocked by Outlook Express.
Could that be what I need to make sense of this (presumeably
it is some sort of diagram.
How do you suggest I obtain it.
Could the reason for blocking be that the file was too large?
Thank you for your help.

No no major file. starter kill. (see at
but seriously, don't over think it.
It's locate the after market system, tracing
back the connected wires to the
ones described in the chart, clip and
repair/tape off until fully & safely extracted.
