Car Alarms: alarm malfunction and now I can not start my car, valet mode, butt connector

I own a 93 Toyota corolla which has an alarm system and has been fine until weeks ago. the problem is that I can not dis-alarm the alarm-system. because of that, I can not start the engine. I donot know it is the problem of the fuse of the alarm. pls help!

There are a couple of ways to wire a starter kill circuit.  My preference, as well the generally accepted way is to wire the relay so that it defaults to closed.  If the alarm is armed and activated, the starter circuit is cut.  If the alarm is disarmed or deactivated, the starter circuit should be complete.  If you are looking to permanently disable the alarm, I would take down the dash panel under the steering column and look at the harness that was tapped into.  The starter wire in a 1993 Corolla is black/white.  Find where this wire was cut, and put it back together.  I would recommend soldering it, but a butt connector should do fine.  Pulling the fuses that supply the brain is also recommended.

If you are looking into putting it into valet mode, it will also disarm the alarm.  Most systems are put into valet mode by turning the ignition switch to the run position (not start) and flipping a small toggle switch.  This will cause the L.E.D. to light up solid indicating that it is in valet mode.