Car Stereos: Factory speaker replacement, bass frequency, physical space

I got a 2000 suburban with a factory set up, now I want some thump in my truck. Can I replace the factory sub in the back with an after-market sub, or will the after-market be too deep to install in the same area?

Hi Chris,

It depends on what you mean by too deep.  If you mean physical space, then you'll be a better judge of that than I am.  You can make a 10 or 12 (or even 15) fit back there, but naturally, with a new enclosure, it'll take up more space than what's back there now.

If you mean too deep in terms of bass frequency, that's entirely subjective. :)  You can hook an aftermarket sub up to the current system, but be warned: the factory system's amp won't output a tonne of power.  Probably enough to hear it, but not any real 'thump'.  You'll need an aftermarket amp for that.
