Auto Racing: Girls In Rally Racing, rally activity, sports car club

QUESTION: Hey,I'm Lauren I'm 18 I Really Like Rally And I Was Wondering How Hard Is It For A Girl To Get In To Rally I'm Willing To Do What Ever It Takes.

ANSWER: Hi Lauren:

We welcome girls to our sport(s) and I'm sure the rally folks do also.  Contact the Sports Car Club of America
at  Look for a region near you .  In the region, you'll find districts that should be very close to you.  And there is a rally group in many of them.  (None around here, so I'm no expert)

So you'll need three things to start off.
SCCA Membership
A car- or a friend with a car that's willing.

I know very little about SCCA rally so I can't tell you much more, but the local people will be willing and happy to help and happy to have you participate .  

Best of luck ! In a year or two I'll look for your name in the record books !!

Dan Liddy
Sarasota, Florida

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Do They Teach How To Drive Rally Cars And Where Could I Learn?

At the beginner stage you would drive your own street car, or one prepared for low level rallying.  The only requirement would be the ability to drive a manual, or stick shift.  Also required will be learning the ability to do a "heel and toe" maneuver for downshifting and braking .  

If there is an active rally group I am sure you will find a few people competent to instruct you in the basic stages.

We don't have any rally activity here in my part of Florida and the only rally-ing I have done was in the early 1960's , and that was in the  time-and-distance type which is no longer practiced (I think - - ) .

Go ahead and contact the SCCA people in your area, they will be happy  to answer more questions than I can.  I am a racer and can only offer expertise regarding racing and race repairs and fabrication.

Again welcome to the gang. I wish I had more to offer, but I'm at a loss.

Dan Liddy
Sarasota, Florida