BMW Repair: 1997 BMW 328i - Not sure if clutch or gearbox issue, crankshaft sensor, clutch fluid

Hi there,

We bought the car 2 days ago after doing some preliminary checks. Test drive was fine, but when we took it out for a drive the day after purchase, we battled to change gear to 1st and reverse (reverse is practically impossible), smelled a metallic burning smell and had smoke pouring out the bonnet. The previous owner had the clutch replaced fairly recently. Is this a clutch issue? Gearbox issue? What would we need to look at?  In addition, the engine cuts out while driving, which was supposed to be fixed (new crankshaft) but still happens. it starts again if you pull the key out and put it back in and restart.

Please help!!!! thank you!!!

Check the clutch fluid level in the reservoir.
Does the pedal feel ok? does it have full travel and does it grab about half way up as you release it in gear.
If the clutch grabs near the bottom, have a good look at the clutch master and slave cylinders.Not the gearbox, they are bulletproof.

Cutting out? separate issue altogether.Get it scanned, I assume you mean crankshaft sensor replaced.
