BMW Repair: 86 325 e starting problem, 1k ohms, crank sensor

no spark .. I just purchased a new crank sensor today, it ran for a while , but now I have the same results , with a deeper debt.I have the ase manual , and it says to check reference sensors..?REALLY FRUSTRATING>>HELP

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Question -
I cannot get my car started . It starts when it wants to.. I bought refernce sensors(used) and It starts but when I turn the car off it's over..I will have to wait until the next day or so..I am running out of time and money ..please help..thanks

Answer -
Check your relays.Buying a used sensor too may be the problem.You need to start over with checking  your basics spark and fuel.

So after our first talk you check the spark again and there was none,correct?The reference sensor can be measured to see if it is good. Measure the resistance of the sensor it should be about 960-1.1k ohms.that is looking at the sensor wire with the tab facing up there are 3 terminals the two you measure are the first two terminals.Let me know