Audio Systems: Amp Connecting Question

Hi Cleggsan! not sure if you are the guy to ask for this, but my issue is audio related, but also amp related as well. I recently got an amp from a friend, it's a Crate GFX-120 model. Basically what i'm doing is trying to figure out is what kind of cable, or adapter i need to plug into the "INSERT" port of the amp, into the soundcard of a desktop computer. My dilemma is that earlier today i purchased a 1/4 to 3.5mm adapter, and used a Dynex DX-MP353B - Audio cable to plug into the soundcard of my computer from the adapter, and only received mono audio (right side audio). So i went out and purchased a Dual mono Y cable (live wire model#Qf6YQ) to plug into the "INSERT" and "EXTERNAL SPEAKER" jack, and then plugged the dynex from that into the soundcard of my computer, and got a static noise but could not get any other sound through my amp. So is there another adapter i need to buy? or should i have gotten dual stereo Y cable instead?

Please refer to the block diagram on page 7 of the owners manual.  You can download it from here:

As you can see the "insert" is merely a way of inserting a signal into the final stage of the amplification section. It disconnects the front end electronics and allows usage of the audio power amp by feeding into the insert jack.

Then on page 5 of the manual it shows a diagram of how to use the cables with Tip/Ring/Sleeve type connectors.  It gives the cable model numbers so you must have compatible connectors and cables.

Maybe that will help you get the right cables with the right connectors for your application.

Hope this helps.