Audio Systems: switch cleaners for dusty controls, tritronics inc, tritronicsinc
I have the same problem as the guy who occasionally loses sound from one of his speakers because of dust, and I very much appreciate your recommendation to apply switch cleaner. However, never having done this before, a) where can I get switch cleaner? I don't find it on Radio Shack's Web site, and when I Googled "switch cleaner" I got stores in England and Australia. Can you suggest where to buy it or order it? b) do you have to take apart the receiver to spray switch cleaner on it, or remove the knobs (mine don't feel removable) or can you just spray it into the controls as they are with the unit fully assembled?
Thank you for your assistance.
AnswerAny electronics store should have it. Online electronics parts distributors should also have it. Look for the cleaner that has a lubricant in it as well. A few possible distributors:
MCM Electronics (
TriTronics Inc (