Audio Systems: Infinity Kappa Perfect 6.1 components, infinity reference 7540a, infinity kappa

I bought the Infinity Kappa perfect 6.1 component set and attempted to run them with the Infinity reference 7540a 4 channel amp. But when I turn the volume up the amp clips out and Infinity support tells me it's due to the impedance curve of the speakers crossover which can go well below the amps rating. My question is what amp will support that curve since all the reasonably priced amps are similarly rated. Will I have to drop a large amount of cash on a competition amp that is stable down to a 1/2 ohm just to push these components? Thanks for your help.  

NO WAY!!!  theres something funny here.  in fact I have a  set of the infinity perfect 6.1s in a small home theater runing off an onkyo reciever that's only rated to 6 ohms and they sound great.  I've also run them off amplifiers that were only 4 ohm stable with no problems at all.  
Also, typically the dip in impedance should not go below the speakers rated impedance.  so if its a 4 ohm speaker it should dip TO 4 ohms but most of the time is above that.  I'm not sure what they are trying to blame this on but it doesnt sound right.
the only thing I'm thinking is that this is a 4 channel amp and you said you have a set of speakers.  I guessing what that means is that you are bridging the amp to 2 channel mode.  this may just be too much for the amp, and really you shouldnt do this anyway.  bridging is mostly used when runing subs.
My final answer is this.  any 2 channel amp that is made to run 4 ohms and is stable to 2 ohms will work perfectly with these speakers.  If you want a nice cheap bang for the buck amp id recomend this amp to run them:

or for a few bucks more and a little more overkill to prevent clipping at high levels this one:

let me know what you think.