Audio Systems: cd-changer wont eject, vibration environment, electro mechanical devices

how do I get it to eject the cartridge that is currently in the changer-------------------------
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Question -
I have a 1997 Lincoln Continetal that has a stock stereo with a 6 disc cd-changer. After loading the cartridge into the changer the lcd showed a error message now it will not play or eject. it sounds as if it is running but with no results. please help!  
         Thanks,  Shawna
Answer -

You could try a CD cleaning system  (like an Allsop [which is a PREVENTIVE device that should have been used regularly]) but:
1) It is nearly 9 years old.
2) It has been in a medium vibration environment.
3) It has endured at least normal wear and tear.
4) It has been through many weather changes.

Bottom line is: If it is jammed, it will jam again.

Since they are cheaper to replace than to repair, it is time for a new changer if cleaning or using the *reset does not fix it.

*Some units have a reset button on the head unit. Look for one and depress it if you can find it. They are usualy small and recessed. You will lose all of you station presets but it is worth trying since it will reset the unit to factory defaults.

The head unit may be ok.

Good luck

J Mael


Get it out of the vehicle and start pulling it apart.. get the case off of it and then try to determine the cause if jammed. Some experience helps all the way through this part.
If you are good with electro-mechanical devices you may get it to work again.