Cadillac Repair: Cadillac error codes, hemmings motor news, hemmings motor news magazine

I would like to be able to read the error codes and diagnose the abs part sensor or whatever to be able to replace it.

I am also getting Service Ride contol

1995 Eldorado not ETC


Hi Gilberto, You will need to probably get a factory shop manual and some test equipment to guide you through this process because a chilton, motor or haynes manual is too genaric to provide the info you need. It would take too much time to explain in a forum such as this and GM devotes 2-3 day classes on that subject. What I would reccommend is ordering a Cadillac factory shop manual for your car eithor by calling the dealer parts department, going to and serching for the manual in the ebay motors section or buying a hemmings motor news magazine from the newsstand and ordering from someone there. Then you will have all the info you need to diagnos the codes as well as the procedures to do it. Your car is very compicated so without a good manual even the best techs are left in the dark so to speak. Bill