Chevrolet Repair: starter, internal engine components, starter solenoid

I have a 98 chevy silverado with 125k on it. This morning it would not start, 4 degrees. It would just make 1 click. Everything else electrical still works. I checked the connections and cleaned them up took my battery in to have it checked. They said it was bad and I replaced it. But the same thing is going on.It has always started in the past. could it be the starter relay? thanks for an answer. mark

Hey Mark,

  That audible click you are hearing is one of the following possibilities from most common to least:

 A: The starter solenoid (located on the back of the solenoid) plunger is retracting and engaging the copper contacts internally but now allowing amperage to pass through to the internal starter windings.  The starter is located on the right hand lower part of the engine and the solenoid and wiring is visible through the right inner fender if you lift or remove the mud guard on top of the upper control arm.  There should be very little corrosion on these components and be wary of a green powder on the fat battery cable that goes to the starter solenoid.  They are bad for corroding and going open when amperage peaks through that circuit disengaging the solenoid plunger.  If the solenoid is defective there are two solutions.  Remove the starter and replace it with a complete rebuilt or new unit.  (I suggest DELCO reman or new, they are fairly priced, excellent quality and rarely need to be shimmed)

  B:  That click is more of a clack and the starter bendix is extending but unable to turn the flywheel because of hydralic lock due to coolant or excessive fuel intrusion into the combustion chamber or broken internal internal engine components.  (don't break a sweat, this would be highly unlikely).

  C:  If you have a meter put the ground lead on a good engine ground  and the positive lead on the large upper stud (the one the battery cable goes too).  NOw have someone crank it and monitor it for a voltage drop.  If you hear the click and the meter goes to 0 you know the connection problem is up top somewhere.  If you hear the click and the meter still says 12v or a little lower, not below 9.6 then do the same thing with the positive lead of the meter on the lower stud on the solenoid (the one that has a small funny braided wire that goes into the starter) while doing the same thing.  I am willing to bet you have 12v on the one and 0 on the other while cranking.  Bad solenoid.

12v (bat)-----------{} {} / (small ign signal wire)
                   (     )
                   (     )-------] starter body


 YOu can purchase a solenoid for most GM starters over the counter but they never seem to last or have the incorrect specifications.  Some late model GM starters have inverted torx screws holding them on or even worse are crimped on.  In taht case you have to take it to a rebuilder.  Who is going to tell you to rebuild the whole thing anyways.

A: Solenoid
B: Starter windings in Body open or seized armature
C: Motor took a poop (doubt it!)

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Wayne Howie