Chevrolet Repair: 1976 Chevy Malibu Estate Wagon, 1976 chevy malibu, spark plug wires

I have a 1976 Chevy Malibu Estate wagon with the 5.7 V8. It ran out of gas the other day, and after I put more gas in it wouldn't start it would turn over but never start. Then my battery went down so I replaced that and still the same thing. I just replaced the Alternator and plugs, and still the same thing. I am getting fuel to the carb (even tried starting fluid). I'm lost as to what it may be now. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

It's odd that the engine will not start with the starting fluid. Do you think it's possible that you have flooded the engine? I can see the fuel pump failing by running it out of gas if the pump was old but it should fire with the starting fluid or carb clean sprayed into the carb while cranking.

I would re-try some starting fluid or carb clean and see if you can keep the engine running with that. If you can you either have a defective fuel pump or when running it out of gas caused some rust or sediment from the tank to clog up the carb or gas filter.

If that's ok I would check for spark at the spark plug wires. If no spark,then you have an ignition problem, coil, module, pick-up coil?

Fell free to get back to me.