Chevrolet Repair: no fuel to engine, 1996 chevy 1500, customer car

1996 chevy 1500 pickup 5.7 vortex getting fuel to the pressure check valve but not to the engine My biggest question is there any sensors that will make this happen or is it probably the injectors

A friend brought me this to fix because thats what i do most of the time and i have never ran into this.  He said to me change the fuel pump so i did and it wouldnt start so i checked the fire and its firing fine but the plugs are dry.  I'm stuck with a customer car that i cant fix now and hope you can shed a little light on whats going on   Thanks Alot!!!!

I assume you mean that you do get fuel pressure to the service fitting on the fuel line when checking with a gauge, correct?

If the fuel pressure is good, it's doubtful that all injectors have gone bad.

Try this first:
Are there any DTC's (Trouble Codes)

When turning the key to run does fuel pressure go up to about 90psi and hold there?

If both above are ok, try checking all fuses including injector fuse.

Test for Fuel Injector pulse.

You should come up with something.