Chrysler Repair: speedometer suddenly stopped and not shifting as usual, shifting gears, electrical plug

I made a turn at low speed and suddenly my speedomoter wasn't working nor was the van shifting as normal.  When I try to shift between gears, the van doesn't seem to respond differently.  Friend suggested speed sensor failure.  We are concerned it is the tranny.  Any suggestions as to which direction to point me?
Thank you,

Hi Shannon,
The 'output speed sensor' is mounted on the transmission, near the rear of it on the side of the powertrain that faces the front of the van. It is similar in appearance to a sensor also on the transmission, near the engine, both about mid-level height. If it fails, the speedometer will stop working and so too will the transmission stop shifting gears. So that is indeed the most likely reason for your problem. The price of a new one ranges from $25 to $80 depending only where you buy it, so shop around. It is a simple unscrew/screw to replace, once you have removed the electrical plug which releases by lifting gently on a tab at its edge. So if you can find it and remove/replace it you should be repaired. Otherwise a shop should be able to do it in less than 1/2 hour.