Chrysler Repair: Low Pressure Switch: AC unit, line roland, dodge caravan

QUESTION: I have a 2000 Dodge Caravan with a 3.0L engine. I need to bypass the low pressure cut off switch for the A/C compressor but I do not know where it is located and it is not specified in my Haynes manual.

Thank You

ANSWER: Hi Mike,
The A/C pressure switch is located in the right rear corner of the engine compartment in the liquid line of the system. In the '98 manual it is adjacent to the alternator of the 3.3/3.8L (which I believe in the 3.0L is also on the firewall side of the engine), and in the '02 manual the same general area just in-board of the right side strut tower. It has a gray, 4-wire plug, with 3 wires (black/light blue,violet/white, dark blue). I would therefor believe your '00 would have it in that same general area, just look along the a/c liquid line.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for the fast reply and accurate answer. I found the switch as per your description. My follow up question is which two of the three wires do I need to jump to bypass the switch?


Hi Mike,
The violet/white on pin 2  has 5v on it and that goes thru a resistor in the switch to pin 1 black/light blue (ground). So I would NOT jump those two together for fear of blowing out the 5 volt sensor supply in the PCM. The third wire ('signal') is a sweeper that ranges over the internal resister of the switch from the 5 volt end to the ground end depending upon the pressure so I imagine you could try first jumping from that pin 3 dark blue wire to the black/light blue and see if that does what you want it to, and if not, then jump that pin 3 wire to the pin 2 violet/white wire which is probably safe as the pin 2 wire is not a direct to ground connection and see if that does it. Just don't jump from 1 to 2.