Chrysler Repair: 91 Dodge Dynasty dies:codes 11,17,21,51, dodge dynasty, code translator

QUESTION: I'm trying to find why this car dies at odd times.  Sometimes when stone cold, sometimes when hot.  It may run for an hour without a problem or sometimes only a couple of minutes. When it dies it is sudden and instantly. It runs just fine otherwise.  It sometimes idles poorly but not always. If you let it set for a few minutes (sometimes as long as 15 minutes) it will restart. When it won't start, it turns over ok but acts like no ignition voltage. The ignition coil has been replaced (nogo). A used "black box" was sub'd in but still nogo. Jiggling the ignition switch doesn't help it restart. Do you have any suggestions or a wiring diagram so that I can proceed with this repair?

ANSWER: Hi Mike,
Use your ignition key to ask the engine controller for any fault codes that would reflect the possible cause of this:"on-off-on-off-on and leave on" doing that in 5 seconds or less elapsed time. Then watch the check engine light, which remains "on". to begin to flash, pause, flash, etc. Count the number of flashes before each pause. Then repeat to verify an accurate count of the flashes. Then group the flashes in pairs in the order of appearance to form the 2-digit fault codes. Then either write back or go to for a code translator. We can go from there for finding the likely cause.
Also, let me know the engine that you have in the vehicle.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: these are the codes I get in the order that I get them.

12, 35, 41, 11, 21, 17, 51, 21, 55

Note that the battery has NOT been removed recently.

Hi Mike,
Here is the meaning of the codes,
11 says that the engine rotational sensor in the distributor is not putting out a good signal. That is likely the cause of dieing out unexpectedly and so I would change that sensor out.
12 Battery power to computer recently disconnected (that could be the initial hook up of the used computer and it should disappear after 50-100 key cycles
17 The engine coolant is not warming up soon enough, or alternatively the coolant temp sensor is not accurately measuring the coolant temp.
Does it read around 1k ohms across its terminals when the engine temp gauge shows warm?
21 Oxygen sensor voltage abnormal and 51 also same sensor voltage abnormal, one on the high side one on the low side. This affects pollution and mixture so I would believe that the oxygen sensor should be replaced.
41 alternator field not switching properly. Do you have any battery charge warning light 'on' problems? If so the alternator may be wearing down.
35 radiator fan relay circuit has a problem. Are the fans coming on when you ask for defrost or for a/c cooling? If not, that is the problem.
55 means 'end of readout'
The engine operation would probably be most effected by the coolant temp sensor issue during warm up phase, the oxygen sensor comes into play after warm up. So take a look at those and consider changing them if the wiring to them is not the problem.
If you write back for specifics, again, please tell me whether you have the 2.5 or the 3.0 engine.