Chrysler Repair: p1698 code, input sensor, transmission controller

2000 caravan has p1698 pcm fault,no ccd messages from tcm.changed input sensor....same thing.

Hi Jason,
I would check the wires from the transmission to the ccd bus. Those are on pin 4 and 43 of the tcm and should be patent to pins 11 and 3 of the data link connector under the dash. Also, check that the wires are not shorted to ground.
If they are patent and not shorted to ground then I would check that pin 8 of the tcm plug has 12v on it when the ignition is on, amd pin 11 has it all the time. I am not surprised that changing a sensor didn't cause the code to go away.
If all the wires and voltages check out, then you may be faced with buying a replacement transmission controller.
Let me know what you find.