Chrysler Repair: Find spark control computer, chrysler new yorker, distributor shaft

QUESTION: Where can I find a Spark control computer

ANSWER: Hi Frederick,
If you are speaking about a vehicle from the 80's then I would be inclined to go to a wrecking yard and look for one there. They also have a "hot line" to other similar yards if they don't have what you need.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Yes it's for and 1989 Chrysler New Yorker

If you have the front wheel drive vehicle then you are describing either the "single module engine controller" if you need the entire computer, or if you need the spark control sensor (which sends a signal to the computer to tell when to fire the spark coil based upon the rotational position of the distributor shaft) you are looking for either a Hall effect sensor (2.5L) or the photo-optic sensor (3.0L). Those sensors are available new from a good parts store or dealer. The SMEC is probably either too expensive or unavailable new, so that would be a good item to get from a wrecking yard. But be sure to specify the year and the engine and the transmission and give them the part number from the old computer as these computers are calibrated for a specific engine and set-up.
I am less familiar with the rear wheel engines but chances are that you will do better going used for the "spark control unit" for that.