Chrysler Repair: Chrysler 2000 Grand Voyager, grand voyager, electrical contact

Hi Roland,  I recently purchased a Chrysler 2000 Grand Voyager with no owners manual.  When I open the driver's door, the interior lights do not come on...when I open the driver side passenger door, the interior lights do come on.  When I turn the dashlight dimmer switch all the way up, all interior lights come on so I know the lights themselves do work.  Is it likely this is a fuse related to the driver door and can you tell me which fuse(s) to check?

Hi Brenda,
I think the problem is the 'door ajar switch' itself or the wire from it to the body control mosule under the dash is "open". I would examine the push button type switch at the door frame/hinge area. Go to the right side (which works) and look for push buttons in the door frame at the rear of the opening or at the front in the hinge area. Try pushing in these buttons to see which one turns the lights off when you push it in. Then examine the same switch on the driver side. Try rotating it when it is in the "out" position to improve the contact inside of it.  If that doesn't do it you could either buy a spray can of electronic circuit cleaner and using the straw tip applicator spray some cleaner into the iterior of the switch in the space between the push button and the body of the switch OR you could examine the switch to see how it can be unmounted from the panel (probably it is held in by spring clips so try prying gently on the edge), then once it is out spray its interior from the back side. Also touch a pieced of wire from the wire attached to the switch to the body frame where is in shiny (unpainted) to test if the wire will turn on the light when jumped to 'ground' by that means. If grounding the wire doesn't cause the lights to come on then you have a problem with a broken wire. Ideally the several steps to improve the internal electrical contact will solve your problem.