Chrysler Repair: horn wont go off, side pins, ohmmeter

When i got out of my car i think i hit the panic button on my remote and now the horn wont stop blowing . I pulled the relay out to get it to stop. I tryed the key in the door and nothing . It will still let me lock the doors and start the car whats wrong with this thing. Help please

Hi Christina,
It is possible that the horn relay has failed in the switch "closed" position. If you have an ohmmeter or a continuity checker you could check whether there is an open or closed condition between the two larger side by side pins of the relay. If they are closed (conductivity between them or 0 ohm reading) then indeed the relay is bad. If the relay is not bad, then it will require some more detailed diagnostics at a dealership using a special test tool to check the circuits for your vehicle. You didn't mention the year, make, model so I can't be specific. If you don't have the test tool(s) I mentioned above, then perhaps the least expensive first thing to try is to buy a new horn relay and see if that solves the problem.