Dodge Repair: turn signal flasher box, power sorce, chilton manual

Hi Steve, thanks for reading this.  I have a 95 Intrepid where the turn signals & hazards don't work.  Well, sometimes they do, but most times when I turn them on, they make a buzzing sound for a second or so, then nothing.  The stupid Chilton manual says the flasher's under the dash.  I pulled it & got another one, but it just does the same thing.  When I unplug it, I get no buzzing.  I can't find another under the dash that would be it.  I'm ready to kill this car.  Please, can you help me fix it before some stupid cop gives me a ticket.


I will start with a little info on the turn signal system that may help,

The flasher system gets its power from a second power sorce and flasher, so if both the flasher and signal are not working then the problem must be with the turn sig switch or after that in the circut.

since the brake and other lights work i have to asume the wires and bulbs are good . so that brings me right back to the switch as being bad.  The likly hood that both flashers are bad is remote.

Let me know after you check the switch if it tested bad or good.  We can then go from there and get this thing fixed

Good luck,
