Land Rover Repair: 2003 Range Rover Suspension problem, strut assembly, range rover

I have a 2003 Range Rover.  A few days ago, the left front (drivers side) suspension dropped to its stop after being parked, then the whole suspension dropped to its stop and the "suspension inactive" message appeared.  I disconnected the battery for 30 minutes to try to reset the computer, and when I restarted it, nothing had changed.  Then, driving it to the mechanic it miraculously started working fine.  The this morning, the left front was dropped again, and the rest of the car was at normal ride height.  The suspension won't raise or lower the rest of the car either now.  Is the a bad front left strut?  Or does it sound like something else?

My guess is the left front strut is failing.  What happens is that the car tries to level, and if it keeps leaking, it gives up.  Then you start it and the cycle resets.  You will need to find a workshop with an IDS, T4 or Autologic system to diagnose the air, but I do suspect it will end up the strut assembly which is pretty costly ($1,000+)