Land Rover Repair: 95 RR LWB Windshield Wiper Problem, windshield wiper, wiper arm

Hello John,

I have a 95 Classic RR LWB, whose wipers do not work on the Intermittent Wipe, Normal Wipe and Fast Speed Wipe.

However, the Single Wipe Toggle (Pushing the Wiper Arm Downwards) Works, So I can assume the motor is OK.

Any ideas where to start Trouble shooting ? Is it a Wiper Relay ? is it the Wiper Arm that is faulty ?

Any Advice greatly appreciated. Cheers.


You can't tell from the symptom if you have a problem in the motor or the switch.  You'll have to get a wiring diagram and puzzle it out.

If you don't have one you can purchase it at, Land Rover's official service site.