Land Rover Repair: Gearbox Fault/wont start without jumper cables, car becouse, jumper cables

The "window not set" warnings are still coming up on the message centre, even after the battery was replaced--anyway to deal with that?


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Thanks!  The dealer did replace the battery today and so far, so good.  How do you measure power consumption?


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"Out of nowhere my 1998 RR SE (US version) with 74,900 miles
won't crank (just "clicks") and the message center says "gearbox
fault" and "window not set" and the same messages in German
and/or French.  

it will start with a jump, do even after running it for 30+
minutes, it does the same thing when I go to restart it.  

Is it a security lockout/passive engine immobilization thing?  Do
i need to do the EKA thing?


Answer -
I think it is a simple low voltage problem. There are two desired variation: the battery is dead (losing the voltage),  or something allways sucks the power from the battery. If you can,  you should measure the power comsumption after about 20 minutes.

Don't measure immediately when you stop the car, becouse after the security sharpen, the vehicle runs more selftests, for about 5-10 minutes long. And in this period the power cnsumption may above 1-2 ampers.

Later, when the vehicle have slept you may measure, but dont  disarm the security!

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With a multimeter you can measure the power comsumption by 2 ways.
1. switch 20 Amper rating the multimeter, take off the negative lead from the battery, connect the black lead to the removed lead, and the red to the battery's negative. Now you can read the momentarily power consumption.

2. In more expensive multimeters there is a "amper pick-up" lock. You can lock it to battery's negative lead (batery terminals on their places!) and read the consumption in Ampers.

The gearbox problem caused by low voltage.

Yes, because the bdy electrics control module lost the learned datas.

So, you have to do these steps with all window:

1: push the switch to down direction, and hold while the window is moving to the most bottom position, and more at least 3 seconds.

2: now push to the upper position and hold the switch pushed till you got this message: "Window SET"

Do this all the windows.
Now the windows are learned them end positions. Now if you push some switch momentarily, it will automaticly go to the end position (it's a comfort option).