Mercedes Benz repair: Mercadese Benz E190 1.8 Cooling System, coolant line, fluid drains

My 190E is loosing coolant so tht I have to refil the header take sometimes twice a day. I have noyiced that as I fill the coolant is draining away through what seems like an overflow pipe at the bottom of the engine. Any ideas?

ANSWER: first thing to do is check your exhaust see if you are blowing out white smoke out of your exhaust, Chances are you are going to need a head gasket, As far as a coolant overflow there should be one on your reservoir tank, Chances are it is getting past into the head and leaking down top the piston area and burnt out of the exhaust. It is common in these models dont worry It is an easy replacement and I can get you step by step instructions if needed with pics

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for your prompt reply. I have checked the exhaust and it is clear (no white smoke). I also checked the sump and head oil both of which clean (no emulsification)I am still loosing water at a frightening rate. 8 miles and the radiator is empty.

are there any fluid drains by the radiator? or anywhere near the overflow by thecoolant fill up?? Check your radiator fins, do a compression check on your cylindersIt may be theat your coolant is getting shut off by the thermostat stuck closed, Your head may also be warped or cracked loosing fluid there, I would do a comp test first then make sure each cylinder has relatvely the same readings within 10 percent. It is hard to see where you would be losing your coolant check the back coolant line and all your hoses, then if those are all good change your thermostat, then chances are you have a cracked head or warped but the fluid has to be going somewhere