Mercedes Benz repair: 87 300TDT 124.193 and 603.960 w/ 150K miles, maintainance tips, brake rotors

Dear W, 87 300TDT is 4 months new to me, engine runs fine, replaced vac line tubes, tranny now fine. It appears to have been off the road for years. I need to do brakes, auto-locks, cruise control, air conditioner, rear bushings, basic maintainance tips...Found your sites and reviewed hundreds of threads, but none are for 124. How/where do I find all of the 124 threads? ( manuals for 124 don't include service manuals, any other good source or CDs?)
Today I'm going to try replacing the rear brake rotors and pads using the tutorial for the E420 on the MB site you moderate (fingers crossed) Will I need a caliper screw- back tool or other tools?  I've got to do the fronts, too. Do you want to refer me to other experts? Thanks. -John

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PM me through the forum for the other issues, the data does exist.

Have a great day.