MG Car Repair: Oil Filter on 54 TF, rubber grommet, bolt head

QUESTION: Mr. Jones,

I am doing a restoration on a 1954 MG TF. My problem for today is the oil filter reassembly. I have a new seal for the bolt, a new seal for the oil filter canister ( for lack of a better word) and a new felt filter. I see that the spring goes on the bolt first.

I now have two washers and a rubber seal smaller in diameter than the washers but shaped sort of like an inner tube. Does the seal go between the washers and on top of the spring?

Also the(old)larger seal for the whole assembly appeared to be two seals. I ordered and received one seal but also received three seals with the felt filter. Please clue me in. Sould I use more than one seal?

Gratefully yours,

ANSWER: Hi Lynden.  Assembly of the TF oil filter is as follows:

1)   Mount the through-bolt vertically in a vice.
2)   Check that the special rubber grommet is fitted to the centre of the large cupped washer.
3)   Slide the washer onto the bolt, concave side uppermost.
4)   Slide the oil filter casing onto the bolt.
5)   Inside the oil filter casing, fit a 10mm metal washer, the expander spring, and another 10mm metal washer.
6)   At this point, I recommend that you fit an O’ ring onto the bolt.  It should fit snugly on the bolt.
7)   Slide the filter end plate onto the bolt, convex side uppermost.
8)   Fit a circlip to hold all the above items in place.  (My bolt has a circlip groove around it).
9)   Fit the filter element into the casing.
10)     Replace the lip seal in the rim of the oil pump body.  The replacement filter kit usually contains 3 of them, so choose the one that has the correct cross-section and discard the others.  You may need a sharp pick to remove the old seal.
11)     Bolt the filter assembly to the oil pump (Do not over-tighten the bolt).

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: It appears from your answer that I am missing the large cupped washer that goes on the outside of the casing near the bolt head. I also don't see it in the Moss Motors diagram. I don't want to try your patience but is this absolutely required to stop oil leaks or any other reasons.

Thanks again,

Depends on the make of the oil filter assembly.  MG used more than one make (Purolator, Tecalemit ...)  They varied in design.  If yours has no large cupped washer, then you just have a different make.  I would inspect the bowl to see if a cup was ever fitted.  They were painted AFTER assembly, so it should be obvious.