Motorcycle Repair: suzuki c50, suzuki boulevard c50, rear axle nut

How do remove the rear wheel off a shaft driven Suzuki Boulevard C50 and when reinstalling does the gear shaft fluid need to be changed.


-block the bike up so the rear wheel is off the ground.
-unscrew the rear brake cable or rod adjusting nut.
-push the brake down to get the brake cable/rod out.
-keep track of the small parts.
-remove the cotter pin and bolt from the brake torque link arm.
-push the arm down and out of the way.
-remove the cotter pin and rear axle nut, washer
and chrome cover if it has one
-when you push or pull the axle out grab the axle spacer so it
doesn't get lost.
-grab the wheel and wiggle it to the right and it
should come off of the hub drive splines and use lithium-moly grease
on these when reassembling.

-tighten axle nut 45-65 ft lbs on reassembly.

-the gear oil is not disturbed by removing the rear wheel.
It uses SAE90 hypoid GL-5. There is a drain
plug and a fill plug on the rear drive.