Motorcycle Repair: switching an all time fourwheel drive to a two wheel drive, locking differentials, differential drive

is there any way possible to switch an all time four wheel drive 2003 Yamaha big bear 400 to two wheel drive? if so is there a site to use to help me with it?


Do you mean to change it permanently to 2WD?
I haven't heard of anyone that has done this.
I believe it may be complicated and
would require the removal of the front
differential drive shaft and u-joint yokes
The front cv-joint axles could be disassembled
leaving the inner joint installed to keep oil in.

Basically you would have to disconnect
some portion of the drive train to
the front differential. Then
you would have to make sure everything
was still oil tight.

The newer ATV's have an "on command"
switch which switches from 2WD to 4WD.
This uses locking differentials which
the older models do not have.