Motorcycle Repair: Removing Honda grips, razor knife, thin blade

   With your extended experience with Hondas, I was hoping you would be able to help me with the removal of the grips on my 2007 Honda Shadow.  I recently received heated grips as a present, but don't know how to get the factory grips off.  Any help would be appreciated.

Dennis, grips are often applied with an adhesive at the factory. I have had success in the past using a LONG, thin blade straight-slot screwdriver. I push it in at the outside edge of the hole in the grip, between the grip and bar, then turn it as I push it in. You can spray some brake cleaner or something similar in along side the screwdriver shaft. Keep turning the screwdriver and the flat end will walk around the outside of the handlebar, loosening the grip from the bar, as you go. With a little spray of contact or brake cleaner, the fluid will build up a layer on the bar and the grip will just turn loose and slide off. This is if you want to save and reuse the grips.... Otherwise, get a razor knife and cut the old ones off!

If you are using chemicals, wear some rubber gloves and do it in an area there there is good ventilation...

Bill Silver