Motorcycle Repair: 1994 harley softail springer, harley softail, independent shop

I have a "notch" in the steering.  I have about 35k in miles and bought it with 31k.  It didn't have these problems when i bought it.  Assume it's bearings.
How complex is it to have it fixed?
Could it be a recall situation?
I need a new front tire anyway, would it be easy for them to do with the tire off anyway?  Is the springer front end as difficult as they say?  
Also, take it to a dealer or independent shop?  Labor rates are the same.  Just convenience on distance is a factor.  Thanks.  Patrick

Sounds like a bearing problem. If it is the front end would have to be removed to get to it. To remvoe the springer front isnt any harder than any other front end. I would have it repaired when you get the tire done, since it has to be removed anyway.
I havet heard of a recall on a steering head bearing.
I would go have it done at the nearest shop, as long as you trust their work
Good luck and happy riding