Motorcycle Repair: Yamaha, wheel drive atv, motor brushes

I have a 1987 Yamaha 350 moto 4 2 wheel drive ATV.  When I try to start it there is a clicking sound and no start up.  The battery is good.  Thank you for your help.

Ed Zipperer

P.S. Is there an in-line fuse on this model?  

Hi Ed,

Yes, there is fuse/circuit protection on all models.

The usual cause of the problem is undercharged or defective battery. You stated that the battery is good. (check voltage and specific gravity to verify battery condition.)

If the battery is fully charged and in good condition, the next likely cause is worn starter motor brushes.

Other possible causes include:

Loose, corroded, or dirty wiring connectors.
Defective condortor wire.
Worn or defective sstarter soleniod, burned contacts.
Starter button corroded or burned cotacts.
Defective ignition switch

The circuit protection is working because you hear the click sound.

Get a copy of the service manual. It will help you diagnose and repair the problem quickly. The manual will pay for itself with the first repair you perform. Find manuals at many local libraries.

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Mark Shively