Motorcycle Repair: My kickstart and gear shifter.., ktm lc4 400, anchor points

Hi Chris, I ride a '94 KTM LC4 400 scrambler. A few days ago I sprayed lubricating liquid on my kick starter and gear shifter (both are on the left side). The next day, I kickstarted the bike and the kickstart lever couldn't spring back up. A few hours later while riding the bike dropped to neutral and that was it. I tried shifting up and down but the shifter couldn't engage any gears (it had the clicking sound but just felt lighter when I was trying to shift it). The bike can still start as normal and sounds the same...except I have to manually lift the kickstart lever back in place and also that the gears cannot be engaged..would appreciate some advise. Thanks.

Hi Gary.
 This sounds as if one of a few things has happened.

1)  Kickstarter and shifter return springs have broken.

2)  Kickstarter and shifter return springs came loose from the levers/anchor points.

3)  Something is catching both springs and thus preventing return movement.

Check those and see what you find.
Good luck.