Nissan Repair: 97 Maxima electrical, factory stereo, odd problem

Aloha Calvin! Ok,I'll explain best I can. Whenever I first start my car and take off,none of my windows will go down and the tach and speedo don't work either. After a few minutes the tach and speedo jump to the appropriate spots and then the windows will operate as well. Sometimes the windows will start working but the speedo and tach don't but it usually seems to be at the same time that they start working. My blinkers don't work at all but the flashers do.The A/C seems to only work when the windows and speedo/tach do but as soon as I turn the A/C on it kills the speedo/tach and windows.I turn it off and soon windows etc work again. Also, as soon as I shift from drive to park the tach drops out and windows won't work. Sometimes though it doesn't stop working til I take my foot off of the brake.At times it will work again putting my foot back on the brake.I just have the factory stereo and alarm nothing after-market. Last thing is that I changed the battery and terminals because the positive connector was mostly eaten away by corrosion. Thought that might do the trick but it didn't help. Needed the new battery and connectors anyway. Hope I explained everything fairly well.Just a really odd problem.Radio,headlights,tailights other interior lights all work fine. I haven't thought it was fuse related since things work intermittently. Thanks for reading my novel.

Hi Brandon

Gee. Never heard this one before. First thing I would check are the relays in your large circuit fuse box. This is located under the hood, on the fenderwell. Look for a relay or fusible link labeled with a related component which you are having issues with. I think for your car you cannot shift into drive from park without applying the brake? Perhaps it is that circuit malfunctioning.

Hope this helps -