QuestionI have the following problem with the driver's side brake light on my 1995 Nissan XE pickup:
The brake light does not seem to respond to depressing the brake pedal, but rather to turning on the lights. Whenever the lights are off and I press the pedal, the drivers side brake light does not come on. If the lights are on, the brake light stays on regardless of whether or not I press the pedal. The passenger side brake light works fine.
Is there a short circuit somewhere??
AnswerHi Boyanna -
First of all, check to see if you have the right light bulb in the socket. If you don't have access to a manual, you might want to call an auto parts store and verify the number of the bulb for that application. A quick way also is to exchange the bulbs right and left and see if the problem occurs on the passenger side now.
Other than the bulb, check the socket making sure there is no damages or shorts. I am pretty sure this is a bulb problem, but if you can't get it working, i can walk you through a diagnostic test, but you will need a light type circuit tester.
Hope this helps -