Nissan Repair: 1989 nissan sentra, nissan sentra, positive cable

I have a 1989 nissan sentra ,caris in goodshape until recently this gas smell keeps coming up ???as well I boughta newbattery since recently it died on me and  wont start! all the lights dimdown so what is kan I do??  


The gas smell is probably a rotten hose on the evaporative system.  The car has a sealed gas tank and there are hoses that the gas feeds the engine through as well as some that go to a canister that holds excess vapor.  You will have to put the car on jacks and inspect all the hoses as well as the gas cap to find the source of the leak.

The charging problem, since you say you replaced the battery, I would say the aternator.  But, check the fuses at the battery positive cable to be sure it is not just the charge fuse.