Nissan Repair: engine stumbles under load, wiggle test, air meter

I have a 1990 240sx. The engine is a manufacturer reman with 20k miles and manual trans. When starting out in first gear, or any up-shift the engine stumbles as if it were running out of fuel.
Once past the "stumble" it will accelerate fine but still has a sputter.
It also has a irratic rough idle going from 650rpm's to 1000rps and then smoothing out. The car has not been used in 3 years. The problem has become progressivly worse the more it is driven.(the past 2 weeks)
I have run 3tanks of premium fuel through it.
Things I have tried are ... Replace fuel filter, coil, ignition module, cap, rotor, air filter.
Wiggle test and clean connections. It always starts right up. I do not get any code lights on the dash at any time while it is running.


Check the black rubber intake hose from the air meter to the throttle body for cracks.  If there are cracks the engine is getting unmetered air and that will do all the things you describe.  If the distributor is original take the cap, rotor, rotor post and cover iff to see if there is oil inside the optics that trigger the ignition.  If there is no oil put it back together and check the fuel pressure to make sure the fule pressure regulator is not defective.  Email me back with your findings and we'll go from there...