Pontiac Repair: 96 grand am battery drain, haynes book, google search

QUESTION: 96 grand am quad 4 2.4 when battery charged car starts . after sitting for over 4 hrs battery clicks and doesn't start car. after 8 hrs basically dead as door. with ign off and some charge on battery turned heater on and motor started blowing. am thinking control relay but haynes book doesn't show location and prints are not very good. something drains battery. have already replaced battery. starter engages when battery has enough juice in it.

ANSWER: Hi Philip:

anything aftermarket on this car radio/remote start alarm etc? if so disconnect all those things first! if it doesn't have anyo f those things. then you need to do a parasitic draw test. do a Google search for that and once you have a meter hooked up and are check for a draw for about 20 minutes you will have a draw of about 80 milliamp that is normal anything above that you have a draw. after 20 minutes it should drop below 20 milliamp. if that draw is excessive and I'm sure it is your going to have to start pulling fuses 1 and a time to see what fuse the dar is on and go from there. I'll assume you have the charging system checked on this the big box auto parts stores will do a charging system analysis for free in hopes you will buy a battery or alternator from them.  good luck :)

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I'm thinking heater control relay since blower came on when car ignition was turned off. don't have clue on location. took alternator to advance and checked ok. noticed relays around pass side firewall behind strut . any idea if these are for heater/blower mtr/a/c? been chasing my tail since june on this one.

the relay for the blower motor is either on that strut assembly or on the firewall. look for one that has the color wire that goes to the blower motor. the power feed for the blower motor from the relay I believe is purple. my online service manulas do not go back that far only to 1998.