Pontiac Repair: waater on floors after rain when parked, silicone sealer, passthru

I was just given a 97 Grand Am and when it rains the floors flood. Usually seems to get wet on the drivers side front first and then completely floods until there is standing water in the entire car. Wondering if you have any idea where it could be coming from and how to confirm it and fix it?


Hi Doug:

being that this car is 14 years old not Rust/rot is a factor also seeing that your from canada you have Salt thrown into the mix. usually with these the Cowl rots out under the windshield. there is a wire harenss passthru on that side of the car and usually it rot out around there. open the hood take a garden hose and wash down the windshiled on the drivers side and have someone in the car watching for where the water is comming in. and go from there. If you find the leak. let it all dry up good and you can try a silicone sealer where the leak is. good luck :-}