RV Repair: water heater

QUESTION: my rv water heater will come on and it staies on for a short time then goes off, what would be the fix for this?

ANSWER: I don't really understand. If your saying it comes on and then shuts off and the water is not hot then the igniter the part that lights the flame is probably corroded up. Remove it clean with a wire wheel or emery cloth and reinstall its probably just loosing flame sense. Please follow up if this is not the fix send model # with it please

Thanks and good luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I did what you sed didn't help, Im thinking it could be the two t stats that are bad. atwood model GH6-4E

Is it full of water the bypass( if it was winterized) on the back could make it short cycle ( just a thought). The only problem with the t stat is that you should be able to see voltage pass thru to the gas valve usually when they go bad it will not light. 99 percent of the time. If the igniter is clean and in the flame when it is running or lit and the white proclien sleeve around it where it mounts is not cracked. You either have a bad igniter or circuit card.I really think its probably the igniter but the circut card will make it do the same thing. I wish i had a more exact answer.

Hope this helps