RV Repair: odor, ammonia smell, electric refrigerator

My fridge has an odor that my wife thinks is a leak of some kind. She thinks propane, freon, or whatever the cooling liquid is. To me it smells like an ice house, or a freezer making ice. Any ideas?....Ray

    If this is a gas/electric refrigerator you would definitely know if it was leaking the refrigerant.  The ammonia smell would be strong enough to bring tears to your eyes.  You can spray a little soapy water on the gas fittings to check them for a leak, but the ethyl mercaptan they add to propane is strong enough you should be able to recognize it also.  You might check the drain pan under the cooling fins in the fridge to make sure its not full and you can check the cup that it drains to on the outside next to the flue on the backside of the fridge to make sure its not full.  Other than that I don't know what it might be.  Maybe try some baking soda to see if it will absorb the odor.
