RV Repair: brake noise, brake noise, winnebago

Hi Ron
I own a 1998 winnebago 36 ft.with about 18,000 miles. I bought it used with 14,000 miles. My question is the front brakes are making some noise when I talked to the service department at the dealership they are telling me that the brakes should be gone through at 18,000 miles. I find this a little hard to belive being that most of the mileage is on the highway.

Brakes are only as good as the driver that uses them and since you were not that driver, you don't know how they were treated.  If they are making noise, they probably need some attention.  My guess is that they got hot, glazed over and now are "groaning" when the pedal is applied.  At a minimum, the pads should be replaced and the rotors turned.