Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Toro wheel horse wont stay started when the PTO is engaged, tiny speck, wheel horse

When I start up my wheel horse lawn tractor 416-H and engage the Pt0 and start going forward the engin boggs down and cuts out I have ran fuel system cleaner throw it and replaced the fuel filter and it still does it What could it be?


Is it a manual PTO or electric PTO?  Sounds like yo may have a bad safety switch on the seat ,brake,neutral or on the clutch itself.This is just a suggestion. Try pulling the choke out about one third to one half and then engage the PTO. Sometimes the air idle adjust screw port gets a tiny speck of debris in it. If with the choke partially out and the PTO engages the just grab a screwdriver and turn the air idle mixture screw counter clockwise a hair.