Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): John Deere L130 PTO switch melting across PTO contacts, john deere l130, blade style

My second PTO switch melted in 5 min of operation. (Yes the first one was melted across PTO contacts) I checked to make sure all of the safety switch's are working even checked the PTO clutch for 4 to 5 Ohms. All is OK mower starts and runs like normal but when you try to engage the PTO you get nothing but engine still runs.  Even though my PTO clutch sounds like the culprit I just can't see spending another $35 for my 3rd switch and $168 for a new clutch and then fry both of them and still have the same problem. Please help!

Hello Scott:

>>Check the PTO Clutch.
>>The Following is a PTO Test File I made. Any Input is Appreciated. **If you have an Ohmmeter, Disconnect the Wiring Harness from the Front of the Clutch and Check the Resistance of the Clutch. You should have around 4 or 5 OHMs. If at or near Zero, the Coil has Shorted.**
>>The Following is a Basic File I made for Setting the PTO Clearance. Any Input is Appreciated. **Some of the Newer PTOs cannot be Adjusted.
>>If you can Get a Blade Style Feeler Gauge between the PTO Magnet and Clutch, then Set the Clearance at .015in. The Newer PTOs have the Same Set Up as the Older PTOs, except there is No Adjustments.
>>I Suggest also that you Rig a 12 Volt Light for Testing the Current Flow to the PTO while Operating the Mower. If the Light Blinks During Operation, then you have a Bad Connection somewhere to the PTO Clutch.
>>If the Light Stays Steady and the PTO Still Kicks in and Out, then it is the Adjustment.
>>You can Also Try Turning the Spring Loaded Adjuster Nuts 1/4 Turn and Operate the Mower. Do Not Adjust Over 1/2 Turn.
>>If you have Adjusted to 1/2 Turn and the Problem is Still Present and you Know the Voltage to the PTO is Steady, then Replace the PTO.**
>>Please, Do Not Hesitate, If you Hit a Snag, if I Missed Something or this Does Not Correct the Problem, I am Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Thanks.

Good Luck



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