Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Oil Leak on Briggs, craftsman model, drain spout

QUESTION: I have a Craftsman model 917.271841 with a Briggs 21hp model 461707, type 0147E1, code 002185B engine. It leaks/blows oil on the left side (while driving). Oil puddles under the oil drain spout and blows onto my left foot while operating. I thought it was the drain plug (quarter turn with hose type) but replaced it to no avail. I cleaned it up and watched while the motor was running and for the life of me could not see where the leak was coming from. Any ideas? I'd like to do the work myself. Should I get a gasket kit? I know it's tough but any idea on the specific part failure? How to proceed? I'll be mowing in a month or so and I'd like to get this taken care of before then. Thanks for your help.

ANSWER: Well since the engine is nearly 9 years old its possible you have a gasket leak or perhaps even a porous casting, but don't rule out a leaky crankshaft oil seal.  It sounds like the oil is slinging from the bottom of the engine.  This is the most common place for an oil leak to begin.  It is also very hard to see with all the pulleys and clutches attached to the crankshaft.  But I would be checking there first.

Another place to look is the dipstick tube.  Is it cracked?  Or how about where the tube goes into the engine?

I don't see any reason to buy a gasket kit, it sounds like it is just a simple O ring or oil seal.

To repair it your self, once you identify where its leaking you simply remove the engine from your unit.

Once you get this far let me know and i will walk you through oil seal replacement and or sump gasket replacement

I will be leaving soon for Asia and will not be able to answer questions for the month i am traveling over there as sometimes the Chinese Govt blocks this website.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi again. Well I got the mower out, cleaned it up and fired it up. As I look at it now, it appears it is coming out of the back of the engine and is either the horizontal or vertical crankcase gasket. I can't tell for sure whether the oil is coming out of the bottom gasket and blowing up on the back gasket, or just running down from the back gasket. Do you have any recommendations for online literature to walk a person through changing one or both? Any additional guidance would be appreciated. Thanks again for your help.

I dont know of any online info, but the links below will help you!    This link will get you an illustrated parts list

This link will get you the correct service manual you need.  It is Briggs and Stratton  part number 271172  IT is very well written for a do it your selfer.

David r